A transformed marriage - It is what we all desire but as in all aspects of life, it requires process. This book is a tool to take us through the process - It will help renew the minds, heal the hearts and bring hope and encouragement to those who use it. I recommend "Moments that Matter”, as a great tool for transforming marriages!
As you read this book and mediate on its "action steps" with a sincere heart before the Lord, you have an opportunity for a new day, a living hope, which can build a stronger foundation in your marriage. Dedicating your relationship to a season of honesty and sincerity can bring forth health and well-being for both you and your spouse. We believe marriage needs daily steps; a daily reckoning, a daily "Yes!" May you find a grace for a “Yes” and “Amen” today in these words.
Moments That Matter by Rena Perozich, is truly a remarkable devotional for married couples! This 40 day devotional is crafted carefully to enrich your marriages and help you live intentionally! Each day of this devotional has three sections: a thought provoking teaching, a foundational Scripture and an Action Step. I love the ‘Action Step’ section because it provokes further thought and discussion. In this book, Pastor Rena reminds us that the marriage is built on trust and the trust is built on over a period of time, yet, it can be lost in a day. Love never really fails but people do. As you go through this book, you will notice and feel the heart of faithful wife of 40 plus years, a mother of 2 adult children and one who is in the ministry for a long time. This book is the product of time tested and proven strategies of life and rich personal experiences. This is true mentorship without the pain. Wisdom found in the pages of this devotional will fine tune your marriage for success. Invest next 40 days with this devotional— studying and creating action steps— it will be the best 40 days of your life! I hope you will enjoy this book as much as I do. Gift a copy to another couple as well.